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Pro Life

House Republicans Will Always Stand Up For Life

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rep. fischbach

Today, as hundreds of thousands prepare to stand for life in our nation's capital, House Republicans continue to show the American people that we will always be a voice for the most vulnerable among us.    A new Knights of Columbus-Marist Poll shows that the American people overwhelmingly support House Republicans' pro-life agenda.    According to the poll: …

House Democrats Continue To Push Their Radical Abortion on Demand Until Birth Legislation

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Tags: Pro Life

Today, Speaker Pelosi will bring up for a vote House Democrats’ radical “Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act” (also known as the “Women’s Health Protection Act”) and the “Ensuring Access to Abortion Act.” Both bills go much further than codifying Roe v. Wade and would legalize abortion for all nine months of pregnancy across the country while…

The Biden Administration is Already Working to Use Taxpayer Dollars For Abortion in the Wake of The SCOTUS Decision to Overturn Roe

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Tags: Pro Life

Yesterday, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra suggested using taxpayer money to help transport women for abortion services in the wake of the historic Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade: “We are looking into everything, including assisting in transportation, something that HHS doesn’t…

Historic Supreme Court Ruling a Win for Sanctity of Life

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Tags: Pro Life

Read the House GOP Leadership’s statement on the Dobbs Decision: Today, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23), House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (LA-01), and House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (NY-21) issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization: “Every…

Pelosi Refuses to Condemn Violence and Intimidation By Radical Leftists Against Pregnancy Centers

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Tags: Pro Life

Today, Speaker Pelosi refused to condemn the 40 acts of violence and intimidation against pro-life individuals and organizations that have occurred since the leaked draft decision for the U.S. Supreme Court opinion on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Following the leaked draft decision, radical pro-abortion groups proudly declared “open season” on pro-life…

Democrats Radical Abortion Agenda is Out of Step With the American People and an Outlier on the World Stage

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Tags: Pro Life

As America awaits the final Supreme Court opinion for the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, House Democrats held a hearing yesterday pushing their radical abortion until birth agenda. One witness, Dr. Yashica Robinson, could not even give an answer as to whether abortion up to the moment of birth should be legal or whether an unborn baby is a human being, even…

Far-Left Dems Are Obstructing Our Justice System In A Desperate Attempt To Provide Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Up Until Birth

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Tags: Pro Life

Far-Left Democrats will stop at nothing with their radical late-term abortion and infanticide agenda against the most vulnerable among us - unborn babies. Last night, in an unprecedented move, Politico reported on a leaked initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito regarding the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case. MAKE NO MISTAKE: A Supreme Court…

Biden Leaves Out Hyde Amendment From BudgetAgain

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For the second year in a row, the Biden administration has left out the Hyde Amendment from their budget proposal, a continuation of this administration’s pro-abortion agenda. The Hyde Amendment, which blocks taxpayer funding of abortion, is estimated to have saved roughly 2.5 million lives since its adoption over 40 years ago. Repealing the Hyde Amendment is deeply unpopular.…

An Unborn Child Is A Human Life

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Tags: Pro Life

Today, the Supreme Court will hear Dobbs v. Jackson's Women's Health Organization, a major pro-life case. When the Supreme Court announced they would hear the case, they specifically said they would consider the question, "Are all pre-viability bans on abortion unconstitutional?" When the Supreme Court decided Roe v Wade nearly 50 years ago, scientists and doctors claimed that babies were…

Pelosi Confirms That Hyde Amendment Is Not In The Democrats Socialist Spending Scam

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Tags: Pro Life

Speaker Pelosi just told reporters that the Hyde Amendment will not be in the Democrats’ Far-Left Socialist Spending Scam. For over 40 years, there has been a long-standing bipartisan agreement on the Hyde Amendment, which prevents taxpayer dollars from funding abortions. Now, House Democrats want to break that long-standing precedent. THE FACTS:  The Hyde Amendment is a…