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Pelosi Refuses to Condemn Violence and Intimidation By Radical Leftists Against Pregnancy Centers

Today, Speaker Pelosi refused to condemn the 40 acts of violence and intimidation against pro-life individuals and organizations that have occurred since the leaked draft decision for the U.S. Supreme Court opinion on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Following the leaked draft decision, radical pro-abortion groups proudly declared “open season” on pro-life crisis pregnancy centers. These centers are working to provide critical resources to pregnant women most in need, and it is deeply disturbing that Pelosi refused to condemn these deranged acts. THE FACTS ABOUT LIFE: 

  • An unborn child is a human life.
  • Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is a case involving a Mississippi law that limits abortion after 15 weeks.

  • AT 6 WEEKS:

  • BY 10 WEEKS:

    • The unborn baby has arms and legs, fingers and toes.

    • The unborn baby is sucking his or her thumb.

    • The unborn baby can now sigh, stretch, move his or her head, mouth, and tongue.

    • The baby can kick and will jump if startled.

    • The unborn baby’s pain receptors have been developing for weeks (week 7).

  • BY 15 WEEKS:

    • All of the unborn baby’s major organs have formed.

    • The unborn baby has a fully developed heart that pumps 26 quarts of blood per day.

    • The unborn baby can feel pain.

    • Surgeries have been successfully performed on unborn babies at this age.


  • The Susan B. Anthony List has now recorded 40 acts of violence and intimidation against pro-life individuals and organizations since the leak.

  • The U.S. is one of a small handful of nations, including China and North Korea, that allow late-term abortion on demand up to the moment of birth.

  • The American people overwhelmingly believe babies born alive should be protected.

  • According to a recent poll, 80% of Americans think abortion should be illegal in the third trimester.

  • According to a new Marist/Knights of Columbus poll, 61% of Americans say abortion should either be:

    • Illegal - 17%;

    • Left be up to the states - 44%.

  • The majority of Americans hold strong opposition to Congressional Democrats and the Biden administration’s support of taxpayer-funded abortions:

    • 58% oppose taxpayer dollars funding abortions in the U.S.

    • 77% oppose taxpayer dollars funding abortion in other countries.

    • 63% of Americans, including 42% of Democrats, oppose new federal rules that allow abortion pills to be sent through the mail without an in-person visit to a medical professional.

  • On the government forcing their radical agenda on Americans:

    • Three-quarters say healthcare professionals who have religious objections to abortion should not be forced to perform them.

    • 54% say organizations who have religious objections to abortion should not be legally required to provide insurance coverage for abortion.

MAKE NO MISTAKE: Far-Left radical Democrats are still working to intimidate and influence not only our highest Court, but any pro-life organization. House Republicans are demanding the Biden administration rightfully investigate these acts of vandalism and arson against pregnancy centers as exactly what they are: domestic terrorism.