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Press Releases

Holding Kamala Harris Accountable For Failing To Secure Our Borders

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Today, House Republicans will bring to the floor H.Res. 1371 which condemns Joe Biden’s open borders czar Kamala Harris for failing to secure our Northern and Southern Borders. While Far Left Democrats and their loyal stenographers in the mainstream media have spent much of the week attempting to distance Harris from her role as Biden’s border czar, House Republicans and the…

House Republicans Will Always Stand With Our Most Precious Ally Israel

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Stand With Israel

Today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint meeting of Congress at a time when our great ally Israel is fighting not only for its right to exist, but also for the rights of Jewish people everywhere. It has never been more crucial to show the world that America stands unequivocally with our most precious ally Israel.    Unfortunately, the leader…

House Republicans Are Ensuring Our National Security, Energy Security, & Economic Competitiveness

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Today, House Republicans will bring to the floor the Fiscal Year 2025 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, which prioritizes funding to maintain strong national security, energy security, and economic competitiveness, while also reining in wasteful Washington spending.    This bill provides the largest investment in mining production…

The Biden-Harris Border Crisis Continues To Rage On With No End In Sight

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In the latest sign that Joe Biden’s open borders czar Kamala Harris has failed at securing our borders, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced 130,419 illegal immigrant encounters at our Southern Border in June. That is roughly 4,300 daily illegal immigrant encounters at our Southern Border which is four times more than the definition of a "crisis" set by Obama's…

Far Left House Democrats Own the Biden-Harris Record Of Failure

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This afternoon, Joe Biden announced that he would not seek reelection, finally bending to Far Left Democrats' anti-Democratic demands, which overturned the will of 14 million Democrat voters who elected Biden as their nominee and part of a desperate attempt to cover up the fact that Joe Biden is unfit for office. For the last three and half years Far Left Democrats and their loyal…

House Republicans Are Restoring Fiscal Responsibility

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Angry Joe

Today, House Republicans will bring to the Floor the Fiscal Year 2025 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, which restores fiscal responsibility to Washington D.C. while ensuring that Congress has the resources necessary to hold the Biden Administration accountable.    FACTS ABOUT THE FISCAL YEAR 2025 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH APPROPRIATIONS ACT (Courtesy of the House Committee on…

Bidenflation Is Crushing Americans

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Angry Joe

In June, the Consumer Price Index (CPI)showed that Bidenflation remains a tax on all Americans, and it isn’t going away anytime soon. Since taking office, inflation has risen by20.1%. Americans are paying 30.5% more for baby food and formula, 21.3% more for groceries, and 14.7% more for hospital services. While Americans are paying more for just about…

House Republicans Are Ensuring Only American Citizens Can Vote In Our Elections

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Today, House Republicans will bring to the Floor the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which was introduced by Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) and requires individuals to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections.    Not surprisingly, the Biden White House and Far Left House Democrats, whose failed open borders agenda has resulted in…

198 Far Left House Democrats Voted Against Ensuring Only American Citizens Vote In Our Elections

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198 House Democrats voted against the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which requires individuals to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections. The only logical reason for Far Left Democrats to vote against the SAVE Act is that they want the millions of illegal immigrants they let into our country with their failed open borders…

House Republicans Are Fighting To Protect Americans From Biden’s Unnecessary Bans And Regulations

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Dusty Johnson

Today, House Republicans will bring to the Floor two bills that will stand up against Joe Biden and Far Left Democrats' burdensome regulations and radical bans that are part of Biden’s failed Far Left anti-American energy agenda.    The Refrigerator Freedom Act and the Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards (SUDS) Act prohibit the Secretary of Energy from…