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Biden's Energy Crisis

Joe Biden Is Underwater By Double Digits On The Issues That Matter Most To Americans

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Joe Biden Economy

Joe Biden is deep underwater on every single issue polled in a recent ABC News/Washington Post survey. This poll is just further proof that the American people are smart, and they know Biden and Extreme Democrats’ Far Left agenda has failed them.  According to the ABC News/Washington Post survey, Biden is: 44 points underwater on immigration. 40 points underwater on…

Bidenomics Does Not Work

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Dusty Johnson

Extreme Democrats are backpedaling on their support for Bidenomics after a slew of recent polls showed what House Republicans have been saying for years Bidenomics does not work for Americans. MAKE NO MISTAKE: House Republicans are committed to building an economy that’s strong, and that starts by reining in Biden and Extreme Democrats’ reckless spending, which has caused…

House Republicans Are Defending Gas Powered Vehicles From Extreme Democrats

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Preserving Choice in Vehicles Act

Today, House Republicans will vote on the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act, which amends federal law to block attempts by the Far Left to eliminate the sale of vehicles with internal combustion engines.  MAKE NO MISTAKE: The Biden Administration and Extreme Democrats will stop at nothing to implement their radical Green New Deal agenda, and House Republicans…

House Republicans Are Fulfilling Our Commitment To America With The FY 2024 Defense Appropriations Bill

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CTA McCarthy

Today, House Republicans will begin debate on the Fiscal Year 2024 Defense Appropriations bill, which, when we pass it, will help deliver on our Commitment To America - a nation that’s safe.  The FY24 Defense Appropriations prioritizes funding to counter Communist China, includes a historic pay increase for junior enlisted Servicemembers, prohibits the implementation,…

H.R. 1 Would Hold the Biden Administration Responsible for Its War on American Energy Independence

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Since day one of his presidency, Joe Biden has launched an unprecedented war on American energy, causing energy prices to skyrocket. House Republicans are upholding our Commitment to America with H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, which would hold the Biden Administration responsible for its war on American energy independence and reverse course on these radical policies to help drive…

H.R 1 Would Boost the Production and Processing of Critical Minerals

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House Republicans are upholding our Commitment to America and unleashing American energy independence with H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, which would boost the production and processing of critical minerals to help drive down costs for Americans and keep us competitive with Communist China.  HOW H.R. 1 WOULD BOOST THE PRODUCTION AND PROCESSING OF CRITICAL MINERALS: …

H.R. 1 Lower Energy Costs Act

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Not long ago, America was the largest energy producer in the world, and gas was affordable. The Biden Administration then halted energy projects, shut down pipeline construction, and took every step to discourage the production of American energy resources. Americans shouldn’t have to choose between driving to work and putting food on the table. House Republicans are keeping our…

House Republicans Are Fulfilling Our Commitment to America

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House Republicans

In the new House Republican Majority, we have hit the ground running, working on behalf of the American people to provide critical checks and oversight on the Biden Administration and deliver on our legislative agenda, the Commitment to America—an Economy That’s Strong, a Nation That’s Safe, a Future That’s Built on Freedom, and a Government That’s Accountable.   FULFILLING OUR…

The Biden Administration Lied About Unused Federal Oil and Gas Permits

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Biden’s Bureau of Land Management revised the number of unused approved applications for permits to drill (APD) for domestic oil and gas producers to just 6,700—after almost a year of claiming they had actually approved 9,000 unused permits to drill. MAKE NO MISTAKE: Joe Biden and his Administration lied about more than 2,000 permits to drill in order to pass the buck…

Biden’s State of the Union is Still in Crisis—But House GOP Has Hit The Ground Running to Deliver on Our Commitment To America

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House Republicans

Tonight, Joe Biden will pass the buck and double down on Democrats’ failed Far Left agenda in his State of the Union Address—but make no mistake, America is still in a state of crisis following two years of one-party Democrat rule in Washington. Luckily, House Republicans have already hit the ground running to deliver on our Commitment to America in this new House…