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House Republicans Are Fulfilling Our Commitment To America With The FY 2024 Defense Appropriations Bill

  • CTA McCarthy

Today, House Republicans will begin debate on the Fiscal Year 2024 Defense Appropriations bill, which, when we pass it, will help deliver on our Commitment To America - a nation that’s safe. 

The FY24 Defense Appropriations prioritizes funding to counter Communist China, includes a historic pay increase for junior enlisted Servicemembers, prohibits the implementation, administration, or enforcement of the Biden Administration’s executive orders on DEI, and cuts $20 billion in wasteful spending from President Biden’s budget and redirect that funding to address warfighting needs. 

FACTS ABOUT THE FY24 DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS BILL (Courtesy of House Appropriations Republicans):                                

  • Prohibits the implementation, administration, or enforcement of the Biden Administration’s executive orders on DEI. 
  • Defunds the position of Deputy Inspector General for Diversity and Inclusion and Extremism in the Military.
  • Prohibits the use of funds to perform medical procedures that attempt to change an individual’s biological gender.
  • Prohibits the use of funds for events on military installations or as part of recruiting programs that bring discredit upon the military, such as a drag queen story hour for children or the use of drag queens as military recruiters.
  • Prohibits the use of funds to promote or advance Critical Race Theory (CRT).
  • Prohibits censoring constitutionally protected speech of Americans.
  • Includes an increase of 5.2% in basic pay for all military personnel effective January 1, 2024, and additional targeted pay increases for certain enlisted grades.
  • Includes a historic pay increase for junior enlisted servicemembers of an average of 30%. 
  • Counters Communist China by:
    • Making a historic investment in security cooperation funding for Taiwan;
      • Supporting training programs for Taiwan, including through the National Guard State Partnership Program.
      • Prioritizing the delivery of defense articles and services to Taiwan.
    • Rejecting the Biden Administration’s inadequate shipbuilding plan by preventing 4 ships from early retirement;
    • Increasing investments in 5th and 6th generation aircraft like the F-35 and Next Generation Air Dominance;
    • Providing over $9 billion for the Pacific Deterrence Initiative, which bolsters U.S. military capabilities in the Indo-Pacific region;
  • Innovates and modernizes the Military by:
    • Investing in next-generation fighter aircraft, helicopters, tactical combat vehicles, and submarines;
    • Empowering combatant commanders to quickly obtain the cutting-edge technology and weapons they need and to rapidly get them to the warfighter; and
    • Funding the modernization of the nuclear triad: the B-21 Raider, the Columbia Class Submarine, and Sentinel.
  • Enhances DOD’s role in countering the flow of illicit fentanyl and synthetic opioids by:
    • Providing $1.16 billion for the drug interdiction and counterdrug activities account, which is $275 million above the request;
    • Increasing funding for the National Guard Counterdrug Program;
    • Increasing funding for train and equip programs to counter illicit fentanyl and synthetic opioids and the transnational criminal organizations that contribute to the fentanyl crisis, particularly the Sinaloa and Jalisco drug cartels; and
    • Transferring Mexico from U.S. Northern Command to U.S. Southern Command, which enables better coordination and prioritization.