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Democrats Push Their Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act

Today, House Democrats will continue to push their radical pro-abortion agenda with the Women’s Health Protection Act, better known as the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act.

Make no mistake: this legislation imposes on-demand abortion until birth, removes nearly all pro-life protections for the unborn, and abolishes laws preventing late-term abortions.


  • Democrats are pushing the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act (also known as the “Women’s Health Protection Act”), which imposes abortion on demand until birth.
  • The Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act removes nearly all pro-life protections for the unborn at both the state and federal levels.
  • Under this law, every state will be a late-term abortion state where abortions are performed until birth for any reason with no accountability or protections for women.
  • This bill goes beyond Roe v. Wade. It overrides state pro-life laws on informed consent, parental notification in the case of a minor, prohibiting dismemberment abortions, and prohibiting abortions based on a Down Syndrome diagnosis, the baby’s sex, when a baby can feel pain, and when the baby’s heartbeat can be detected.

House Republicans will always fight to defend the lives of the unborn and protect American taxpayers’ dollars from being used to provide on-demand abortion.