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2nd Amendment

President Biden is Coming for Our Guns

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Yesterday, President Biden showed there is no limit to the Democrats’ unconstitutional gun-grabbing agenda. Rather than address violent crime, President Biden is doubling down on House Democrats’ radical policies in order to attack the Second Amendment rights of all Americans. MAKE NO MISTAKE: While Far-Left House Democrats and President Biden continue to push for…

House Democrats Are Coming For Our Guns

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House Democrats decided they haven’t gone far enough when it comes to attacking Americans’ Second Amendment rights and once again are comingfor our guns. On Wednesday, July 20th, the House Judiciary Committee will markup H.R. 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2021, and H.R. 2814, the Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act. H.R. 1808 would ban AR-15s and…

House Dems Push Redundant Gun Bill That Does Nothing to Prevent Tragedy

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Instead of working with House Republicans to address America’s mental health crisis, harden our schools, expand information sharing, and increase enforcement of laws already on the books, House Democrats are pushing H.R. 6538, or the Active Shooter Alert Act of 2022. This bill is a redundant federal alert system that does nothing but expand Washington bureaucracy, waste taxpayer…

The Senates Gun Package Would Strip Americans Second Amendment Rights

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The Senate’s “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act,” which was drafted in secret and only released hours before the Senate vote on the motion to proceed, would undermine the fundamental Constitutional rights of Americans. This bill criminalizes routine firearm transactions, needlessly singles out law-abiding citizens under the age of 21 for heightened scrutiny, and would…

SCOTUS Strikes Down New Yorks Unconstitutional Restrictions On Concealed Weapon Permits

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Today, the Supreme Court struck down New York state’s system for issuing concealed weapons permits, ruling that the restrictive law requiring that applicants demonstrate “proper cause” violates the Second Amendment. In writing the 6-3 majority opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote, “Because the State of New York issues public-carry licenses only when an applicant…

Democrats Push Radical Gun Control Bills That Show They Are Not Serious About Preventing Tragedy

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Rather than join House Republicans in combating the root causes of mass shootings, Democrats and President Biden are politicizing heartbreak in order to ram through a radical gun control agenda that will do nothing to prevent these tragedies from taking place again. MAKE NO MISTAKE: House Republicans have actually passed legislation and have introduced solutions to harden schools,…

Biden Goes After Law-Abiding Firearms Owners Rather Than Combating Violent Crime

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As crime continues to skyrocket in cities across the country due to the Defund the Police movement and Far-Left policies, President Biden has chosen to attack law-abiding Americans exercising their Second Amendment right. The targeting of so-called “ghost guns” will only make our communities worse off. A ban on privately made firearms will allow the Bureau of…

Biden Doubles Down On His Anti-Second Amendment Agenda With ATF Nominee

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With Steve Dettelbach’s nomination to Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), Joe Biden has chosen to put an anti-Second Amendment advocate in charge of the agency responsible for regulating America’s firearms industry. Dettlebach is not simply a “former federal attorney.” He’s a known gun controller, using his position as…