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Illegal Crossings of Our Southern Border Under Joe Biden Have Already Outpaced Both of Obama’s Terms

Our southern border and the surrounding border communities have experienced more illegal crossings in the past 18 months under President Biden than in eight years of the Obama administration. MAKE NO MISTAKE: Our southern border is NOT “secure.” Joe Biden and House Democrats' radical open border policies are to blame for America’s historic border crisis.  BIDEN’S BORDER CRISIS BY THE NUMBERS:
  • Since Joe Biden took office, over 3.5 MILLION illegal immigrants have been apprehended at our southern border.
    • There were a TOTAL of 3.4 million illegal crossings over the course of both terms of the Obama administration.
  • Chicago, New York City, Washington D.C., and Martha's Vineyard have all received migrants from border states.
    • Far Left Hypocrisy: In response, the state of Illinois deployed National Guard troops, Mayor Bowser has announced a public health emergency in D.C., a Massachusetts Democrat state representative called the flight of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard “inhumane,” and Mayor Adams said New York City has reached a “breaking point.”
    • These Far Left cities, some of which are proud sanctuary cities, are now complaining about waning community resources in the face of only a FRACTION of the illegal immigrants that our border communities face every single day.
  • In July, there were 199,976 illegal immigrant encounters at our southern border. 
    • That is a 388% increase in illegal crossings compared to the last July of President Trump's administration. 
  • Illegal immigrants who entered the country under Biden’s border crisis will now cost the taxpayers OVER $20 BILLION a year, which is $4 billion more than the full cost of President Trump’s border wall.
  • Because of Biden’s Border Crisis, fentanyl is now the leading cause of overdose death, and overdose deaths hit an all-time high last year.
  • There have now been 66 suspected terrorists apprehended so far in FY22 – more than double the previous five years combined.
  • Last month, Biden and his administration decided to make the border crisis WORSE by formally ending former President Trump’s successful ‘Remain in Mexico’ program
  • There have now been OVER 500,000 known “got-aways” at our southern border since the beginning of FY2022 in October.