Since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office, their failed foreign policy of appeasement has diminished our standing on the world stage and emboldened our adversaries while violent crime surges across the country due to their’ soft-on-crime policies, failed bail reform, open borders, and defund the police movement. House Republicans are committed to law and order while maintaining strength and dominance on the world stage. Today, House Republicans will bring to the Floor two bills–H.R. 8205, the Keeping Violent Offenders Off Our Streets Act, and H.R. 3334, the Sanctioning Tyrannical and Oppressive People within the Chinese Communist Party Act–to equip law enforcement with the necessary resources to stop repeat offenders from threatening our communities and counter the threat of foreign adversaries including the Chinese Communist Party.
FACTS ABOUT H.R. 8205 – The Keeping Violent Offenders Off Our Streets Act (Courtesy of the House Committee on the Judiciary Republicans)
Defines bail bonds as an insurance product so that they must comply with federal insurance fraud laws and background check requirements.
The rise in violent crime we are seeing across our country is a direct result of the soft-on-crime policies like cashless bail that is being pushed by woke prosecutors and judges. This bill combats radical bail policies by ensuring judges and prosecutors know a defendant’s criminal history and bring accountability to bail bonds.
FACTS ABOUT H.R. 3334 – Sanctioning Tyrannical and Oppressive People within the Chinese Communist Party Act (Courtesy of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Judiciary Republicans)
Requires financial and visa sanctions on members of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, their spouses, and their adult family members who implement, design, or approve policies or laws that are designed to violate the autonomy of Hong Kong, intimidate Taiwan, or contribute to political oppression or violation of human rights within the People’s Republic of China.
Despite the CCP’s continuing pattern of human rights abuse, political oppression, and aggression towards Taiwan, the administration has not taken any steps to implement meaningful sanctions tied to those who design and implement those policies. STOP CCP is designed to force implementation of sanctions against those individuals, while providing standard waiver authorities to avoid unintended collateral economic damage.