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House Republicans Are Fighting To Deliver A Nation That’s Safe

Today, House Republicans will bring to the floor the Fiscal Year 2025 Defense Appropriations Act and the Fiscal Year 2025 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act. These bills deliver on our Commitment to America - A Nation That’s Safe by prioritizing funding for combat-ready military forces to deter war and programs that protect our national security helping to ensure national security. 
These bills also cut billions in government waste from Biden’s budget request while prohibiting funds to be used to house illegal immigrants on military installations, prohibiting funding for DEI, prohibiting the use of funds to perform medical procedures that attempt to change an individual’s biological gender, prohibiting funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology and EcoHealth Alliance, and prohibiting censoring constitutionally protected speech of Americans.
FACTS ABOUT THE FY25 DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS ACT(Courtesy of House Appropriations Republicans):          
Prioritizes the fight against Communist China by:
  • Allocating $200 million for Taiwan's international security cooperation programs and prioritizing defense articles and services to Taiwan.
  • Preventing the early retirement of three ships and retaining the U-2 and certain F-15s, rejecting the Biden Administration’s naval and air force divestment plans.
  • Increasing investments in 5th and 6th generation aircraft like the F-35 and Next Generation Air Dominance.
  • Supporting the Pacific Deterrence Initiative, which enhances U.S. military capabilities in the Indo-Pacific region, including funding for several INDOPACOM unfunded priorities.
Promotes innovation and modernizes our military by:
  • Funding the Office of Strategic Capital’s loans and loan guarantees to maximize the use of private capital to advance emerging technologies and manufacturing, including through private investment funds.
  • Allocating over $1.3 billion for the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) and select Defense-Wide innovation efforts to deliver capabilities from nontraditional sources, including small and medium-sized businesses.
    • Continuing $220 million in direct support to combatant commanders through the DIU to quickly obtain the cutting-edge technology and weapons they need and to rapidly get them to the warfighter.
    • Increasing funding for DIU Fielding efforts and the military services to accelerate acquisition processes to ensure we have the most innovative technology in time for the fight.
    • Fostering competition to attract America’s best companies and talent, increasing flexibility for DIU Fielding in exchange for greater transparency with Congress.
    • Providing $400 million for the Accelerate the Procurement and Fielding of Innovative Technologies (APFIT) program to help bridge a “Valley of Death” and transition cutting-edge capabilities to the warfighter in an accelerated timeline.
  • Investing in next-generation fighter aircraft, helicopters, tactical combat vehicles, and submarines.
  • Supporting the modernization of the nuclear triad: the B-21 Raider, the Columbia Class Submarine, and Sentinel.
Provides for our servicemembers and their families by:
  • Funding a 4.5% pay raise for all military personnel.
  • Providing $2.5 billion for an additional 15% pay increase for junior enlisted servicemembers.
  • Prohibiting the moving of National Guard missions, functions, or personnel to the Space Force in contravention of current law.
Continues to optimize the Pentagon’s civilian workforce by:
  • Cutting over $916 million from the President’s Budget Request for the civilian workforce.
  • Maintaining pressure on the Pentagon and the military services to, in coordination with the Department’s technology experts, take a serious look at what functions can be done better by technology than by civilians.
  • Ensuring the Department has an appropriate workforce for areas that directly serve the warfighter, like depots and shipyards.
  • Cutting $500 million from the President’s Budget Request for excess advisory and assistance contractors.
  • Identifying $100 million in savings to account for efficiencies and management improvements.
Enhances DOD’s role in countering the flow of illicit fentanyl and synthetic opioids by:
  • Allocating $1.14 billion for drug interdiction and counterdrug activities, which is $242 million above the President’s Budget Request.
  • Increasing funding for the National Guard Counterdrug Program.
  • Transferring Mexico from U.S. Northern Command’s jurisdiction to U.S. Southern Command for better coordination and prioritization.
Supports our close ally Israel by:
  • Providing $500 million for the Israeli Cooperative Missile Defense Programs, to include Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and Arrow missile defense systems.
  • Providing $80 million above the President’s Budget Request for U.S.-Israeli antitunneling cooperation.
  • Providing $55 million above the President’s Budget Request for counter-UAS development and directed energy and laser technology cooperation.
  • Prohibiting funds to withhold the delivery of defense articles and defense services from the United States to Israel, requiring that any defense article withheld from delivery to Israel be delivered within 15 days, and requiring the Secretary of Defense to obligate any remaining unobligated balances for assistance for Israel within 30 days.
  • Prohibiting funds for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).
Focuses the Department on its core responsibilities by:
  • Cutting $18 billion from the President’s Budget Request and redirecting that funding to address warfighting needs, counter China, and support our service members and their families.
  • Cutting $621.2 million from the President’s Budget Request for climate change initiatives.
  • Cutting $53 million from the President’s Budget Request for diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  • Prohibiting funds to House illegal immigrants on military installations.
  • Prohibiting censoring constitutionally protected speech of Americans.
  • Prohibiting funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion offices.
  • Prohibiting the implementation, administration, or enforcement of the Biden Administration’s executive orders on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
  • Defunding the position of Deputy Inspector General for Diversity and Inclusion and Extremism in the Military and the position of Chief Diversity Officer.
  • Prohibiting the use of funds to perform medical procedures that attempt to change an individual’s biological gender.
  • Prohibiting events on military installations or as part of recruiting programs that bring discredit upon the military, such as a drag queen story hour for children or the use of drag queens as military recruiters.
  • Prohibiting the promotion or advancement of Critical Race Theory (CRT).
  • Prohibiting funding for the President’s controversial climate change executive orders and regulations.
Supports American values and principles by:
  • Prohibiting paid leave and travel or related expenses of a federal employee or their dependents to obtain an abortion or abortion-related services.
  • Protecting Americans against religious discrimination.
  • Prohibiting the recruitment, hiring, or promotion of any person who has been convicted of charges related to child pornography or other sexual misconduct.
  • Prohibiting the granting, renewing, or maintaining of a security clearance for individuals listed as a signatory on the “Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails” dated October 19, 2020.
  • Prohibiting contracts with NewsGuard Technologies Inc. which is known to target conservative news outlets.
  • Preventing COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates.
  • Prohibiting funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology and EcoHealth Alliance.  
FACTS ABOUT THE FY25 STATE, FOREIGN OPERATIONS, AND RELATED PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIONS ACT (Courtesy of House Appropriations Republicans):                   
Supports our great ally Israel by:
  • Including $3.3 billion in Foreign Military Financing for Israel to defend itself against terrorist attacks.
  • Prohibiting funding for the International Criminal Court, International Court of Justice, United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA), and the United Nations Commission of Inquiry against Israel.
Counters the Communist China by:
  • Providing $2.1 billion for United States national security interests in the Indo-Pacific and to counter malign influence.
  • Including $500 million in Foreign Military Financing for Taiwan to strengthen deterrence across the Taiwan Strait and up to $2 billion in loans and loan guarantees for such purpose.
  • Fully funding the Countering People’s Republic of China (PRC) Influence Fund at $400 million.
  • Prohibiting funds for the PRC and the Chinese Communist Party, prohibiting funds for countries to repay debt owed to China, and prohibiting funds for international financial institutions from loans to the PRC.
Strengthens our national security by:
  • Prioritizing funding and policies to combat the flow of fentanyl and other illicit drugs into the United States.
  • Prohibiting funds that encourage or facilitate irresponsible migration towards the U.S.-Mexico border.
  • Prohibiting the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps from being removed from the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) list.
  • Prohibiting funds to implement a nuclear agreement with Iran unless ratified by the Senate.
  • Prohibiting funds to be used to implement the Arms Trade Treaty.
  • Supporting freedom in the Western Hemisphere, including $35 million for democracy programs for Cuba.
Responsibly refocuses taxpayer resources by:
  • Eliminating funding for the United Nations’ (UN) regular budget, resulting in savings of $761.6 million.
  • Eliminating eight accounts in the bill, including the Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund, International Organizations and Programs, Contribution to the Clean Technology Fund, and Contributions to the Inter-American Development Bank.
  • Reducing 14 accounts in the bill below the FY19 enacted level, including Contributions to International Organizations, Contributions to International Peacekeeping Activities, Economic Support Fund, Migration and Refugee Assistance, and Peacekeeping Operations.
  • Reducing 14 accounts in the bill to the FY19 enacted level, including the United States Agency for Global Media, Peace Corps, and International Development Association.
  • Terminating more than 18 unnecessary programs, including the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), UN Women, UN Montreal Protocol, UN Environment Fund, and World Economic Forum.
  • Prohibiting funding for Special Envoys, Special Representatives, Special Coordinators, and Special Advisors unless such positions are expressly authorized or have affirmatively received the advice and consent of the Senate.
    • Eliminating 33 Special Envoys and Special Representatives at the Department of State, including the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, Special Envoy for Racial Equity and Justice, Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons, Special Envoy for International Labor Affairs, and Special Representative for Palestinian Affairs.
  • Prohibiting the Treasury Department from carrying out the Biden Administration’s climate agenda at the World Bank and other multilateral development banks, which harms developing countries and opens the door to predatory financing from the PRC.
  • Prohibiting the Administration’s current practice of co-opting programming, such as that to empower women; advance democracy and freedom; or counter trafficking in persons, to advance its radical global climate change agenda.
  • Prohibiting funds for the Green Climate Fund, Clean Technology Fund, and Loss and Damages Fund.
  • Prohibiting funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the EcoHealth Alliance, any gain-of-function research, and labs in adversarial nations like China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, or Cuba.
Supports American values and principles by:
  • Maintaining all long-standing, pro-life protections.
  • Implementing the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy, also known as the expanded Mexico City Policy, on all health funds in the bill. 
  • Prohibiting funds for controversial organizations and programs, such as the United Nations Population Fund, World Health Organization, and Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund.
  • Supporting religious freedom programs abroad and religious freedom protections for faith-based organizations delivering foreign aid.
  • Allowing only the American flag and other official flags to be flown over U.S embassies.
  • Banning “disinformation” and “misinformation” programs that violate the free speech rights of American citizens.
  • Prohibiting funds for unnecessary regulations and controversial Executive Orders that disadvantage American businesses.
  • Prioritizing diplomatic engagement to favorably resolve commercial disputes abroad and to promote American business interests overseas.
  • Refocusing attention on critical diplomatic functions, addressing the backlog of passport applications and ensuring the safety and security of our embassies.
  • Prohibiting funds to implement COVID-19 mask and vaccine mandates.