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White House Press Sec. Mocks Skyrocketing Crime Rates Caused by Democrats’ Policies: What Does That Even Mean?

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki mocked Fox News' coverage of Democrats' soft-on-crime policies, saying, "what does that even mean," during a recent interview.

Psaki's comments reinforce the Biden administration and Congressional Democrats' inability to take seriously the rising crime rates that are endangering American communities and our nation's law enforcement. Biden's crime crisis is directly tied to radical Democrats' support for the defund the police movement. DEMOCRATS’ CRIME CRISIS:
  • Following a year of defunding the police rhetoric from President Biden and Congressional democrats, over a dozen major U.S. cities had record high homicide rates in 2021.
    • At least 16 U.S. cities have set new homicide records in 2021, according to local police departments.
    • In 2021, there were 346 officers shot, 63 of whom were killed by gunfire.
    • In 2021, there were 103 ambush-style attacks on law enforcement officers, a 115% increase from 2020.