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Press Releases

Pray For Our Troops

Our hearts break across the country for the brave service members who made the ultimate sacrifice and for all those lost today. Their families are facing unimaginable news. Please join us in praying for them. Sadly, it didn’t have to be this way.  The terrorist attacks at the Kabul airport are a horrific national security and humanitarian disaster. This is a direct result of President Biden’s weak and failed leadership. This administration’s incompetence has led to the loss of American lives and has left countless more at risk.  Today has been the deadliest day in Afghanistan since Obama was President. The buck stops with the President of the United States, and right now Joe Biden is MIA.  BIDEN’S FAILURES HAVE EMBOLDENED TERRORISTS: Make no mistake: President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan has created a terrorist breeding ground that poses real and pressing threats to our homeland just before the somber 20th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Read Leader McCarthy’s full statement on the attacks in Kabul HERE