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House Republicans Are Restoring Government Accountability

  • Chairman Comer Impeachment Inquiry
Accountability and Judiciary, under the leadership of Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), approved resolutions to hold Hunter Biden in contempt for defying lawfully issued congressional subpoenas in relation to the impeachment inquiry into President Biden. 
House Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee, under the leadership of Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL), have launched a formal inquiry into Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s failure to disclose his hospitalization and incapacitation.
For two days, House Republicans on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, under the leadership of Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci, uncovering stunning information including that the “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation promoted by federal health officials was likely not based on scientific data.