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Biden’s Push For Price Control Will Lead To Less Innovation And Fewer Cures

Make no mistake about it, President Biden and Speaker Pelosi’s “negotiation” is nothing more than a Socialist price control scheme that will lead to less innovation, fewer cures, and no hope for those suffering from debilitating diseases. This disastrous policy is a key part of the Democrats’ reckless tax and spending spree legislation that will be before the House in the coming weeks.  THE FACTS ABOUT SOCIALIST PRICE CONTROL SCHEMES LIKE SPEAKER PELOSI’S H.R. 3:
  • Would devalue the lives of and discriminate against people with disabilities and those with chronic illnesses and preexisting conditions. 
  • Could lead to as many as 100 fewer drugs entering the United States market over the next decade. 
  • Price controls on prescription drugs are also a threat to national security.  
It’s simple: We must say NO to socialist price control schemes and protect American innovation for lifesaving cures and treatments. Fortunately for the American people, there is a bipartisan plan that would lower prescription drugs' costs and protect American innovation for lifesaving cures and treatments.  CLICK HERE to watch her story and learn more from the Energy and Commerce Committee about why Republicans are leading on H.R. 19, the Lower Costs More Cures Act.