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Since Joe Biden Took Office Bidenflation Has Skyrocketed By 20.1%

Bidenflation continues to be a tax on every American. In May, the Consumer Price Index, a key inflation index, showed that since Joe Biden took office inflation has skyrocketed by 20.1%. Biden inherited an economy that was booming from President Trump with an inflation rate that was just 1.4%. But, Biden's failed Far Left Democrat agenda and reckless spending have caused the price for just about everything to skyrocket. 
MAKE NO MISTAKE: House Republicans are fighting to rein in the Biden Administration’s out-of-control spending and drive down costs for Americans. 
  • Inflation is a tax on ALL Americans. 
  • When Joe Biden took office inflation was at just 1.4%. 
  • Since Joe Biden took office inflation has risen by 20.1%
  • Americans are paying more for just about everything because of inflation since Biden took office: 
    • K-12 food is UP 65.1%
    • Gasoline, unleaded regular is UP 55.3%
    • Eggs are UP 40.1%
    • Airfare is UP 39.9%
    • Flour is UP 34.8%
    • Admission to sporting events is UP 34.0%
    • Electricity is UP 29%
    • Baby food is UP 28.4%
    • Butter is UP 27.3%
    • Public transportation is UP 27.2%
    • Cigarettes are UP 26.7%
    • Cookies are UP 25.8%
    • Breakfast cereal is UP 24.8%
    • Bread is UP 24.8%
    • Poultry is UP 24.2%
    • Lunchmeats are UP 24.2%
    • Chicken is UP 24.0%
    • Uncooked ground beef is UP 23.3%
    • Pet food is UP 23.0%
    • Eating out is UP 22.2%
    • Groceries are UP 21.2%
    • Rent is UP 21.2%
    • Used cars are UP 20.9%
  • Americans are spending over $12,800 more annually to buy the basics because of Bidenflation compared to three years ago. 
  • Since Joe Biden took office, Americans are spending over $1,000 more a month than they were three years ago.