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House Republicans Are Fighting To Restore American Energy Dominance

  • Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Since Joe Biden's first day in office, he launched an unprecedented war on American energy, and the results have been devastating. In 2022, the national average for a gallon of gas reached over $5 for the first time in our history. Now, the average price for a gallon of gas is on the rise again, and for the first time since late last year, prices at the pump are now higher on a year-over-year basis. 
Today, House Republicans are bringing to the floor two pieces of legislation: H.R. 6009, the Restoring American Energy Dominance Act, and H.R. 1121, the Protecting American Energy Production Act. These bills will fight to unleash American energy dominance and end Biden's war on American energy.
The Restoring American Energy Dominance Act, which was introduced by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), nullifies the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) proposed rule entitled "Fluid Mineral Leases and Leasing Process," which would significantly restrict oil and gas production on federal lands. This bill would also prevent the BLM from promulgating a substantially similar rule in the future.           
The Protecting American Energy Production Act, introduced by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), would prevent any president from unilaterally banning the practice of fracking. It also expresses the sense of Congress that states on state and private land should regulate fracking.
FACTS ABOUT THE RESTORING AMERICAN ENERGY DOMINANCE ACT (Courtesy of the House Committee On Natural Resources Republicans):
  • The Restoring American Energy Dominance Act would nullify the Bureau of Land Management'sproposed rule entitled “Fluid Mineral Leases and Leasing Process.” 
    • It would also prevent the BLM from promulgating a substantially similar rule in the future.              
  • Since day one of the Biden Administration, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has attempted to stifle energy production on federal lands by any means necessary.
  • Among other things, current regulations proposed by the BLM would:
    • Unnecessarily increase bonding rates for oil and gas production on federal lands
    • Introduce new “preference criteria” for onshore oil and gas leasing that would significantly limit areas available for production
    • Prevent leasing outside of currently producing areas 
    • Unfairly burden small businesses
Click HERE for more information on the Restoring American Energy Dominance Act, courtesy of the House Committee On Natural Resources Republicans.
FACTS ABOUT THE PROTECTING AMERICAN ENERGY PRODUCTION ACT (Courtesy of the House Committee On Natural Resources Republicans):
  • The Protecting American Energy Production Act prevents any president from unilaterally banning the practice of fracking.
  • It expresses a Sense of Congress that fracking should be regulated by states on state and private land.
Topline Points:
  • Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has had a transformative impact on the U.S. economy, positioning the U.S. as the world's leading producer of natural gas and oil.
  • The Obama Administration attempted to regulate hydraulic fracturing in a proposed rulemaking in 2015 before the courts threw out the action.
  • On the campaign trail, then-candidate Biden said he would ban the practice in a primary debate.
Click HERE for more information on the Protecting American Energy Production Act, courtesy of the House Committee On Natural Resources Republicans.
  • On Tuesday, the average national price for a gallon of gas is $3.49, the highest level since October 2023, according to AAA.
  • On Monday, the average national gas price for a gallon for the "first time since late last year, prices at the pump are now higher on a year-over-year basis." 
  • In January 2024, the Biden Administration announced they paused all pending non-FTA export permit applications for liquified natural gas (LNG) export projects, empowering countries like Russia and Iran while hurting our allies who depend on U.S. energy. 
  • The Biden Administration is kowtowing to environmentalists by having his Department of Energy undertake a review of LNG export terminals and the climate considerations for their approval.
  • By cutting off exports from the United States, Biden is pushing our allies, including the European Union and other countries, to dirtier sources.
  • American-produced LNG has 41% lower lifecycle emissions than compressed natural gas from Russia when exported to the same destination.
  • Since 2012, the Energy Department commissioned three studies on the impact of gas exports focusing on the economics of the trade. Those previous reviews had consistently found gas exports benefited the public.
  • The Biden Administration has continually passed the buck by blaming domestic energy producers:
    • Biden’s regulatory assault destroys ANY incentive for domestic energy producers to invest, and it worsens energy market volatility. 
    • Most recently, Biden announced that his Administration would no longer hold court-ordered offshore oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska.
  • On day one of Joe Biden’s presidency, he launched his war on American energy when he killed the Keystone XL pipeline, which could be supplying 830,000 thousand barrels of oil from Canada to U.S. refineries.
  • In March 2020, President Trump directed the Department of Energy to purchase 30 million barrels to begin filling the SPR.
  • Biden is responsible for the largest-ever loan from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) of 180 million barrels of oil over six months.
  • Joe Biden sold nearly 40 percent of our stockpile since being elected—more than EVERY U.S. President in history COMBINED. 
    •  The SPR is meant for weather or national security emergencies not political expediency. 
  • Biden has depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserve by over 40%, bringing it to its lowest levels since the early 1980s.  
  • Since Biden took office, his Administration and Congressional Democrats have taken over 200 actions deliberately designed to make it harder to produce energy here in America.