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House Republicans Secured Crucial Defense Funding In The Fiscal Responsibility Act

Thanks to Speaker McCarthy, House Republicans secured a $28 billion boost from last year to ensure our military is fully funded and ready to respond to any threat. The Fiscal Responsibility Act will provide $886 billion for our men and women in uniform. Defense spending is crucial for maintaining our national security and projecting strength on the world stage.   
Given the dangerous world in which we live, these funds are critical and ensure that the military is ready to defend our national security.
  • In negotiations, Democrats attempted to gut defense spending to match non-defense discretionary. Republicans held strong and refused.
  • For the first time, Republicans broke parity and significantly lowered non-defense spending while raising defense spending from the previous year.
  • Republicans secured $28 billion more for defense than last year, bringing the overall defense budget to match the Pentagon’s request at $886 billion.
  • $886 billion is the highest defense budget in U.S. history and the largest in the world.
  • This increase is in addition to the 10% increase last year for FY23 defense from FY22 levels.
  • By negotiating this deal, Republicans significantly lowered the possibility of a defense CR at last year’s levels of $858 billion, which would have been catastrophic for our military readiness given current inflation.
  • This puts us in the best position in years to enact a defense bill on time.
  • Given the dangerous world in which we live, Republicans will make sure defense needs are met in the coming years.