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Republicans Unified On Addressing The Debt Crisis

Speaker McCarthy continues to lead President Biden to the table for discussions to address the debt crisis and responsibly raise the debt ceiling, but President Biden should have engaged in these meetings months ago.

We are now 10 days out from a Biden Default on the national debt because for over 100 days President Biden refused to address the looming debt ceiling crisis, despite Speaker McCarthy’s repeated calls to negotiate. During that time, House Republicans were the only ones to act, passing the Limit, Save, Grow Act which responsibly raises the debt ceiling while addressing America’s debt crisis. 
MAKE NO MISTAKE: Joe Biden’s inaction has put us in this position. If America defaults on our debt for the first time in our history, Biden will be responsible. 
  • January 12: Speaker McCarthy calls on President Biden to begin debt ceiling negotiations.
  • January 13: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says, “[W]e will not be doing any negotiation over the debt ceiling.”
  • January 22: Speaker McCarthy calls on President Biden to begin debt limit negotiations. 
  • January 26: Speaker McCarthy calls for a meeting with President Biden to discuss a responsible debt limit increase.
  • January 31: Speaker McCarthy calls on President Biden to begin debt ceiling negotiations.
  • February 1: President Biden first meets with Speaker McCarthy. Speaker McCarthy told Biden: no clean debt ceiling increase, not going to raise taxes, and there must be negotiations.
  • February 6: Speaker McCarthy delivers an address on the debt limit calling for negotiations with President Biden. 
  • February 12: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer promises a clean debt ceiling and claims Speaker McCarthy cannot pass a responsible debt increase
  • February 15: Speaker McCarthy calls on President Biden to begin debt ceiling negotiations.
  • April 17: Speaker McCarthy delivered an address warning President Biden could bumble into default unless he starts to negotiate.
  • April 19: Speaker McCarthy calls on President Biden to begin debt ceiling negotiations.
  • April 24: Speaker McCarthy calls on President Biden to begin debt ceiling negotiations.
  • April 26: House Republicans pass the Limit, Save, Grow Act, a responsible debt limit increase that would avoid a default
  • April 27: Speaker McCarthy calls on President Biden to begin debt ceiling negotiations.
  • May 9: Speaker McCarthy calls on President Biden to begin debt ceiling negotiations.
  • May 9: Speaker McCarthy’s second meeting with President Biden. 
  • May 16: After waiting 104 days, President Biden agrees to appoint negotiators to meet directly with Speaker McCarthy’s team
  • May 17: President Biden finally acknowledges debt ceiling negotiations.