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America Is In Crisis And House Democrats Are Failing To Deliver for the American People

Americans are paying more for just about everything while making less, our southern border is in the midst of an unprecedented border crisis, we are paying increasingly more for gas, and now Christmas is in jeopardy for millions of Americans because of an unprecedented supply chain crisis.

What have President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, and House Democrats done to address the crises facing our nation? NOTHING.

After spending the better part of the last year ignoring the problems facing our country and pushing their Far-Left Socialist agenda, which will only exacerbate these crises, Democrats are scrambling to avoid a government shutdown despite controlling the House, Senate, and White House.

Now, Democrats are planning to have the FEWEST voting days in modern Congressional history.

That’s right, instead of working tirelessly to keep our government functioning and address the numerous crises facing the American people, House Democrats are barely showing up for work.

IT’S SIMPLE: President Biden and Speaker Pelosi have failed to address the numerous crisis our nations faces, and now House Democrats are failing to show up for work.