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House Republicans Are Ensuring Only American Citizens Can Vote In Our Elections

Today, House Republicans will bring to the Floor the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which was introduced by Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) and requires individuals to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections. 
Not surprisingly, the Biden White House and Far Left House Democrats, whose failed open borders agenda has resulted in millions of illegal immigrants flooding into our country, have come out against the SAVE Act. 
MAKE NO MISTAKE: Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The SAVE Act is rooted in the Constitution and ensures that the 2024 presidential election is free from election interference. The only logical reason for Joe Biden and Far Left Democrats to oppose the SAVE Act is that they want the millions of illegal immigrants that they let into our country to vote in our elections in a desperate attempt to maintain their grip on power.
FACTS ABOUT THE SAVE ACT (Courtesy of Speaker Mike Johnson):
  • While falsely claiming the 2016 was “stolen” due to “foreign election interference,” Democrats ignore the real threat of foreign election interference posed when noncitizens are allowed to register and vote in U.S. elections.
  • Lax voter registration laws make it possible for noncitizens to register and vote in federal elections while campaign finance loopholes allow noncitizens to fund U.S. election activities – both of which can affect the outcome of our elections.
  • There is ample evidence that noncitizens are voting in U.S. elections:
    • A 2014 study that analyzed the 2008 and 2010 elections concluded that not only had noncitizens illegally voted in U.S. elections but also that the votes of noncitizens likely determined the outcome in certain races.
    • In states like Massachusetts, Ohio, and Virginia, noncitizens have recently been removed from the voting rolls – and many of those noncitizens had voted.
    • The Arizona Secretary of State website is currently falsely promoting the idea that individuals who fail to present proof of citizenship when registering will “be eligible to vote in federal elections.”
  • Recently, the House Committee on Administration reported the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, H.R. 8281, will:
    • Require an individual to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections; and 
    • Provide states with access to existing federal databases so they can clean up their voter registration rolls and remove noncitizens from the rolls.
  • Congress must pass the SAVE Act to close the loopholes that allow noncitizen registration and, in turn, voting; to enhance election security; minimize the risk of foreign interference; and restore Americans’ confidence in U.S. elections